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Welfare Educators

Teachers determine the quality of an institution’s education system, especially the extent to which the products of education meet the requirements of societal development.

In order to motivate teachers to perform in ways that enhance positive schooling, we at Vignan are concerned about the total wellbeing of employees not only at school but at home also. 

We seek to encourage our educators with many boosters like

  • INSURANCE: – To provide a sense of social security to our educators we facilitate insurances.
  • INCENTIVES: – We promote encouraging culture with our regular incentive policy
  • AWARDS: – To recognise the dedicated efforts of our teachers we keep on awarding the best among them.
  • CERTIFICATES: – We do validate their zeal and passion for innovations.
  • B’DAY CELEBRATIONS: – We celebrate their happy moments, being a part thereof.
  • GET TOGETHER: – We promote vibrancy along with brotherhood and thus arrange get togethers.
  • STUDENT CONCESSION: – We share their financial burdens
  • FREE TRANSPORT: – we facilitate easy and hassle-free mobility
  • HEALTH CHECKUPS: – We care for their overall well-being.
  • SUPPORT EXTENDED DURING EMERGENCY:- When pandemic ensued, we stood firm with our teachers and supported them on various fronts.

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