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About Vice Chairperson

Carrying on the legacy and spirit into the new generation is a herculean task for anybody. But our Vice – Chairperson, Mrs. Rudrama Devi, a dynamic and energetic leader, following the footprints of her father and the Founder Chairman of Vignan institutions, Dr. Lavu Rattaiah garu, quite faithfully, has accomplished the task with an astounding success.

The core strength of any school lies in giving strong academic training to the students and preparing them to succeed in their chosen walks of life in future. In these twin aspects the amount of interest bestowed by our Vice Chairperson is really immense and immeasurable. She always thinks from the viewpoint of the student and wishes to provide him with a thorough knowledge of their subjects through innovative teaching methods and activities which give hands on experience.

Also, she has been ceaselessly working to fulfil the group’s vision of providing the schools with proficient and motivated teachers, world-class infrastructure with all the state of art facilities with the ultimate aim of grooming children as successful leaders of future generations through their all-round personality development.

VC Message

“The difference between dreamers and innovators is that a dreamer just dreams and does nothing to realize it, while an innovator paves his own path and breathes life into his ideas. That streak of originality is the distinct quality that makes innovators a breed apart from the mere people of this world. At Vignan, we strive to make every student to be an innovator for a better self, better society and better nation”. In order to expand the moral and social contexts of one’s lives, our institution’s role goes beyond imparting only curriculum-based knowledge.

We create and maintain an environment that allows the individual student to develop himself while acquiring the skills and attitudes required to evolve himself into an active and responsible citizen”.

Mrs. Rudrama Devi

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